4 Best CrossFit Boxes in Lutterworth, United Kingdom
We found 4 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Lutterworth, United Kingdom.
CV21 2UH Rugbywww.crossfitvolentia.com+44 7809 902179
Inclusive for all ages, genders, and fitness levels
Good workout with supportive community
Highly skilled coaches
Excellent support and tuition
Friendly and welcoming environment

LE17 4DY Lutterworthcrossfitlutterworth.com+44 7864 861606
Personal coaching aspect is spot-on
Fantastic community
Good mix of strength training, cardio, and mobility work
Qualified one-to-one support from head coach and owner Katie
Offers fitness and health advice, workshops on nutrition, sports massage, and yoga

3. CrossFit LE3
LE3 1TH Leicesterwww.crossfitle3.co.uk
Friendly and welcoming atmosphere
Caring community that helps you make friends
Knowledgeable coaches
Great facilities with all the necessary equipment
Training scaled to individual abilities

LE2 8GB Leicesterleicestercrossfit.co.uk+44 7771 655447
Fantastic place to train and socialize
Great value for money with various classes available
Amazing community with a range of skill levels
Friendly coaches who help you improve
Incredibly welcoming and friendly gym