3 Best CrossFit Boxes in Rugby, United Kingdom
We found 3 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Rugby, United Kingdom.
CV21 2UH Rugbywww.crossfitvolentia.com+44 7809 902179
Inclusive for all ages, genders, and fitness levels
Good workout with supportive community
Highly skilled coaches
Excellent support and tuition
Friendly and welcoming environment

LE17 4DY Lutterworthcrossfitlutterworth.com+44 7864 861606
Personal coaching aspect is spot-on
Fantastic community
Good mix of strength training, cardio, and mobility work
Qualified one-to-one support from head coach and owner Katie
Offers fitness and health advice, workshops on nutrition, sports massage, and yoga

CV8 2LZ Stoneleigh Parkwww.crossfitfaber.com+44 7973 502113
Great CrossFit gym
Great equipment
Great trainers
Fun and friendly environment
Well presented location