12 Best CrossFit Boxes in Ascot, United Kingdom
We found 12 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Ascot, United Kingdom.
HA4 6NG Ruislip Londoncrossfitickenham.com+44 1895 676017
Classes are all different and never the same
Coaches ensure correct moves to avoid injury
Encouragement from coaches and members
Suitable for every age and ability
Top-notch facility, clean and well-equipped

KT111EQ Cobhamwww.newwavecrossfit.com+44 7769 277703
Fantastic, non-intimidating atmosphere
Great coaching
Fun programmed classes
Progressive fitness training
Welcoming and encouraging community

GU1 1BA Guildfordwww.motiontraining.co.uk+44 1483 808236
Fantastic operation and brand new high end equipment
Tremendous group of friendly members
Brilliant programming with clear progression paths
Excellent coaching setup and quality
Suitable for all levels of ability
SL57 7JH Ascotcrossfitascot.co.uk+44 7715 580489
Great atmosphere and community
Excellent coaching
Tailored workouts to individual abilities
Knowledgeable instructors
New hangout area
SL14SP Sloughgasstationfitness.com/group-training+44 7412 448170
Massive improvements physically and mentally
Strict but nice coaches
Welcoming members
Different challenge every day
Sense of accomplishment
Lovely atmosphere
Coaches take time and effort to ensure you get the most out of workouts
Regular check-ins and advice
Fun atmosphere
Supportive coaches
Different classes
Motivating PT sessions
Proper technique guidance
Supportive team
Effective nutrition coaching
Lovely, helpful, and knowledgeable nutrition coach
Positive and guilt-free approach to eating
Mobility courses available
Expert knowledge
TW19 7AY Staines-Upon-Thameswhitenoisegym.com/crossfit-staines+44 7739 479091
Fantastic coaching and welcoming atmosphere
Different and exciting workouts
Helpful and attentive coaches
Easy to organize drop-ins
Rewarding and supportive community

TW18 2AW Staineswww.360ufit.com+44 7764 500557
Amazing instructors and great members
Friendly, warm and welcoming atmosphere
Variety of workouts suitable for all levels of fitness
Coaches genuinely invested in members' progress
Opportunity to build new friendships
GU17 9AE Blackwaterwww.crossfitcamberley.com+44 7889 140566
Excellent gym and community
Great variety of workouts for all
Supportive coaches
Positive encouragement
Friendly and welcoming members

SL8 5DT Bourne Endcrossfitwycombe.com+44 7825 004132
Great coaches
Good people to train with
Very clean
Knowledgeable coaches
Welcoming community

10. CrossFit Sunbury
TW2 5DB Sunbury on Thameswww.crossfitsunbury.com+44 7968 790328
Good coaches
New equipment
Nice atmosphere
Expert coaching
Solid and friendly community
11. CrossFit Reading
RG5 4SW Readingwww.reebokcrossfitreading.co.uk+44 7515 369004
Great classes
Supportive atmosphere
Professional coaches
Variety of classes
Supportive community

GU24 0QQ wokingcrossfitpirbright.wordpress.com
Fantastic place
Highly recommend to any young lad or lass
Great gym
Rehab second to none with the eri and physio
This place will sort the men out from the boys