8 Best CrossFit Boxes in Lognes, France
We found 8 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Lognes, France.
77600 Esblywww.crossfitonezone.com+33 1 64 63 92 49
THE box to be!!!!
Really good cross fit room
The coaching is very good
The team is excellent
Very professional
75013 Pariswww.crossfitrebirth.fr+33 1 53 46 95 81
Fun team workout
Great coach
Perfect workout
Nice community
Excellent ambiance

75011 Pariswww.silvaticus.fr+33 6 51 32 18 59
Very high level coaching
Well equipped room
Great staff
Good atmosphere
Lots of follow-up

77500 Chelleswww.crossfitchelles.com+33 6 98 28 31 34
Family atmosphere
Quality coaching with personalized adjustments
Clean and spacious facility
Efficient booking app
Wide choice of time slots
77144 Montévrainwww.crossfitdiversity.fr+33 7 67 17 82 17
The best box of crossfit in all Paris
Great community and great coaches
Friendly athletes and instructors
Great staff
Very good room

94210 Saint Maur des Fossescrossfit-saint-maur.com
Super challenging WODs
Professional and knowledgeable coaches
Friendly and welcoming members
Clean and well-maintained equipment
Family-like and supportive community
77185 Logneswww.crossfitlognes.com+33 6 98 28 31 34
Great welcome
Magnificent room
Exceptional atmosphere
Good advice from coaches
High-quality gear
77170 Servonformevasion.fr/crossfit-servon+33 1 60 29 39 57
Great equipment
Always accessible
Amazing and helpful team
Reasonable price considering the offerings
Good atmosphere