14 Best CrossFit Boxes in Chelles, France
We found 14 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Chelles, France.
77600 Esblywww.crossfitonezone.com+33 1 64 63 92 49
THE box to be!!!!
Really good cross fit room
The coaching is very good
The team is excellent
Very professional
75013 Pariswww.crossfitrebirth.fr+33 1 53 46 95 81
Fun team workout
Great coach
Perfect workout
Nice community
Excellent ambiance

75009 Pariscrossfitlouvre3.com+33 1 48 74 87 06
Amazing crossfit box in the center of paris
Staff is kind and always available for any kind of request or support
Coaches are friendly and technically best-in-class
Go HERE to reach your new personal best
Good instructors
75011 Pariswww.silvaticus.fr+33 6 51 32 18 59
Very high level coaching
Well equipped room
Great staff
Good atmosphere
Lots of follow-up

77500 Chelleswww.crossfitchelles.com+33 6 98 28 31 34
Family atmosphere
Quality coaching with personalized adjustments
Clean and spacious facility
Efficient booking app
Wide choice of time slots
77144 Montévrainwww.crossfitdiversity.fr+33 7 67 17 82 17
The best box of crossfit in all Paris
Great community and great coaches
Friendly athletes and instructors
Great staff
Very good room

94210 Saint Maur des Fossescrossfit-saint-maur.com
Super challenging WODs
Professional and knowledgeable coaches
Friendly and welcoming members
Clean and well-maintained equipment
Family-like and supportive community
77185 Logneswww.crossfitlognes.com+33 6 98 28 31 34
Great welcome
Magnificent room
Exceptional atmosphere
Good advice from coaches
High-quality gear
95350 Saint Brice Sous Forêtwww.crossfit-secondsouffle.com+33 1 84 60 60 03
Great and welcoming staff
Awesome atmosphere
Variety of classes
Super nice and pedagogical coaches
Unfailing solidarity
75017 Parishego.paris+33 1 42 29 17 24
Super friendly staff
Great coaches
Sparkling clean gym
Nice atmosphere
Tailored workouts

11. Ruroni CrossFit
93400 SAINT OUENwww.ruroni-crossfit.com+33 6 07 52 41 17
Very nice box with great coaches and friendly members
Very good WODs aswell
Well equiped gym
All members and coaches are quite friendly and inviting
If you are coming from outside France this gym is a very good choice

12. CrossFit Louvre
75001 Pariswww.crossfitlouvre.com+33 9 62 52 37 66
Talented coaches
Welcoming and accepting community
Helpful coaches and staff
Well-equipped gym
Friendly and encouraging members

13. CrossFit Servon
77170 Servonformevasion.fr/crossfit-servon+33 1 60 29 39 57
Great equipment
Always accessible
Amazing and helpful team
Reasonable price considering the offerings
Good atmosphere
91320 Wissouswww.crossfittakecontrol.com+33 7 81 94 97 50
Good music and good teachers
Best Box ever!
The Best!
A great CrossFit box!