9 Best CrossFit Boxes in Genas, France
We found 9 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Genas, France.
69310 Pierre-Bénitewww.antroposcrossfit.com+33 6 26 88 00 28
Very good room with a friendly family atmosphere
Competent and caring coaching team
Suitable exercises for all levels
Particular attention to technique and movement quality
Motivating and joyful atmosphere during WODs
69740 Genascrossfitgenas.com+33 6 38 01 96 21
Excellent surprise
Very professional
Incredible atmosphere
No judgment
Mutual aid
Good humour
Getting back in hand
Having a good time
Surpassing yourself
Clearing your head
Coached by the greatest CrossFit athletes
Very friendly welcome
Spacious and well-equipped box
Attentive coaches
Good advice
Great atmosphere
Both for experienced and for beginners
Each level is taken into consideration
Well-equipped room
Impeccable sanitary facilities
Coaches at the top
Benevolent and attentive
THE REFERENCE for crossfit

69370 Saint-didier-au-Mont-D'orcrossfitviridius.fr+33 4 78 36 72 49
Best box in Lyon!
The best Box of the Monts d'Or!
Tailor-made supervision with high-performance coaches
Family-friendly atmosphere
Suitable for all ages and all levels

69410 Champagne Au Mont D'ormakitha-crossfit.fr+33 9 78 80 80 58
Everything is beautiful and everything is new
A wonderful coach
Motivating and professional coach
Spacious and clean premises
Variety of workouts
69007 Lyoncrossfit-gerland.com+33 7 84 93 29 13
Very welcoming experience from coaches and members
Clean gym
Great location
Coaches will push you to get everything out of your workout
Friendly members and trainers

69003 St. Priestcrossfit-lyon.com+33 9 67 01 92 04
Impeccable welcome
Specialized training with attention to injuries
Attentive and friendly staff
Good quality equipment
Warm welcome
69760 Limonestcrossfitlimonest.com+33 6 15 30 09 18
Great room
Qualitative coaching
Great atmosphere
Well-equipped room
Quality material
69001 Lyoncrossfitdespentes.fr+33 7 66 56 14 08
Small groups
Great coaches who pay attention and work individually
Great community feeling
Open gym spots included in unlimited package
Affordable pricing

69100 Villeurbannecrossfitvilleurbanne.com+33 7 68 53 15 95
Great coach, really inspiring, skilled and creative
Friendly people, gives you the will to train more
Hard workouts, but in a good way
Best place ever for practicing crossfit
Coaches are the top ones