10 Best CrossFit Boxes in Lyon, France
We found 10 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Lyon, France.
69310 Pierre-Bénitewww.antroposcrossfit.com+33 6 26 88 00 28
Very good room with a friendly family atmosphere
Competent and caring coaching team
Suitable exercises for all levels
Particular attention to technique and movement quality
Motivating and joyful atmosphere during WODs
69740 Genascrossfitgenas.com+33 6 38 01 96 21
Excellent surprise
Very professional
Incredible atmosphere
No judgment
Mutual aid
Good humour
Getting back in hand
Having a good time
Surpassing yourself
Clearing your head
Coached by the greatest CrossFit athletes
Very friendly welcome
Spacious and well-equipped box
Attentive coaches
Good advice
Great atmosphere
Both for experienced and for beginners
Each level is taken into consideration
Well-equipped room
Impeccable sanitary facilities
Coaches at the top
Benevolent and attentive
THE REFERENCE for crossfit

69370 Saint-didier-au-Mont-D'orcrossfitviridius.fr+33 4 78 36 72 49
Best box in Lyon!
The best Box of the Monts d'Or!
Tailor-made supervision with high-performance coaches
Family-friendly atmosphere
Suitable for all ages and all levels

69410 Champagne Au Mont D'ormakitha-crossfit.fr+33 9 78 80 80 58
Everything is beautiful and everything is new
A wonderful coach
Motivating and professional coach
Spacious and clean premises
Variety of workouts
69007 Lyoncrossfit-gerland.com+33 7 84 93 29 13
Very welcoming experience from coaches and members
Clean gym
Great location
Coaches will push you to get everything out of your workout
Friendly members and trainers

69003 St. Priestcrossfit-lyon.com+33 9 67 01 92 04
Impeccable welcome
Specialized training with attention to injuries
Attentive and friendly staff
Good quality equipment
Warm welcome
69760 Limonestcrossfitlimonest.com+33 6 15 30 09 18
Great room
Qualitative coaching
Great atmosphere
Well-equipped room
Quality material
69001 Lyoncrossfitdespentes.fr+33 7 66 56 14 08
Small groups
Great coaches who pay attention and work individually
Great community feeling
Open gym spots included in unlimited package
Affordable pricing

69290 CRAPONNEwww.crossfitglhf.com+33 6 08 48 30 33
Beautiful People make Beautiful sport in a Beautiful box
Well equipped with high quality equipment
Plenty of time slots offered every day
Muscle and body protection programming
Caring and supportive atmosphere
Great coaching and programming suitable for all levels
Box is well equipped and very clean
69100 Villeurbannecrossfitvilleurbanne.com+33 7 68 53 15 95
Great coach, really inspiring, skilled and creative
Friendly people, gives you the will to train more
Hard workouts, but in a good way
Best place ever for practicing crossfit
Coaches are the top ones