6 Best CrossFit Boxes in Wiesbaden, Germany
We found 6 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Wiesbaden, Germany.
65205 Wiesbadenwww.crossfitliberty.com+49 177 8936726
Knowledgeable and helpful coaches
Family-friendly atmosphere
Personalized coaching
Great small groups atmosphere
Friendly and welcoming community
65719 Hofheim-Wallaucrossfit-maintaunus.de+49 176 82094645
Top Location
Top Trainer
Great atmosphere
Competent coaches
Great community
65189 Wiesbadenwww.crossfitwiesbaden.com+49 178 8689891
Welcoming and friendly environment
Talented and professional coach
Well-stocked and organized facility
Strong sense of community and support
Effective training program

55129 Mainzwww.50gradnordcrossfit.com+49 172 6122582
Great coaches and great community
Outstanding and very clean facility
Fun workouts and professional staff-members
No membership fees during Covid-19 lockdown
Very fast organization to ensure maximum training opportunities

55268 Nieder-Olmwww.crossfit8674.com+49 6136 7520298
Great coaching team
Friendly and helpful trainers
Scalable workouts for everyone
Family atmosphere
Well-equipped facility
65197 Wiesbadenwww.crossfitcentralwiesbaden.com+49 1578 6211975
Amazing coaches with a lot of experience and expertise
Great workout that pushes you daily
Good coaching and small classes
Warm, hospitable, and friendly community
Opportunity to meet friends and be part of a community