3 Best CrossFit Boxes in Hamminkeln, Germany
We found 3 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Hamminkeln, Germany.
5(16 reviews)
46399 Bocholtcrossfitbocholt.com+49 1516 7337409
Why CrossFit Bocholt?
Just awesome
Good workout
Friendly atmosphere
Experienced head coach
Individualized advice

4.8(43 reviews)
46539 Dinslakenwww.crossfit-hiesfeld.de+49 2064 829310
Why CrossFit Hiesfeld?
Great service
Proactive trainers
Friendly members
Well-equipped box
Top trained trainers
4.8(34 reviews)
46499 Hamminkelnwww.crossfit-hamminkeln.de+49 2852 9656573
Why CrossFit Hamminkeln?
The team is highly motivated and knows how to motivate members
Variety of classes
Outstanding community
Relaxed coaches and team
Top trainers and equipment
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