5 Best CrossFit Boxes in Dorsten, Germany
We found 5 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Dorsten, Germany.
46539 Dinslakenwww.crossfit-hiesfeld.de+49 2064 829310
Great service
Proactive trainers
Friendly members
Well-equipped box
Top trained trainers
46282 Dorstenwww.crossfit37.de+49 1520 3206356
Professional CrossFit affiliate
Highly motivated and energetic team
Great community
Competent and open-minded trainers
Individualized training for all levels of performance

48249 Dülmencrossfit-duelmen.de+49 171 3485419
Great box with a nice and motivated trainer. cool members. Training is exhausting and always fun.
The coach pays close attention to the balance between technique and effort in the classes.
Very good and attentive trainers.
Everyone is welcomed in a friendly manner, with or without CrossFit experience.
Top equipment and lots of space!
45968 Gladbeckwww.crossfit-gladbeck.com+49 163 2011523
Cool box with cool people
Competent team of trainers
Friendly and open atmosphere
Limited group size with enough help from coaches
Well looked after community

45661 Recklinghausenwww.crossfitrecklinghausen.de+49 173 5192128
Great personal attention
Experienced coaches
Warm community
Individualized training
Supportive atmosphere