5 Best CrossFit Boxes in Dortmund, Germany
We found 5 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Dortmund, Germany.
44628 Hernewww.crossfitherne.com+49 2323 9566499
Great community
Amazing coaches
Welcoming atmosphere
Personalized attention
Motivational team

44227 Dortmundwww.crossfitdortmund.com+49 176 61659558
Great wod
Great box
Great community
Exercises scaled well
Motivated and nice trainers

59174 Kamenredhawkcrossfit.com+49 1578 1291766
Always in nice and motivating company
Trainers have an eye on everyone during exercises
Relaxed and funny interaction with each other
Great community
Trainers respond to you individually and take the time until you do it correctly

44795 Bochumwww.blackbandcrossfit.com+49 234 93539989
Professional coaches
High-quality equipment
Several training rooms
Motivating environment
Great atmosphere
45661 Recklinghausenwww.crossfitrecklinghausen.de+49 173 5192128
Great personal attention
Experienced coaches
Warm community
Individualized training
Supportive atmosphere