10 Best CrossFit Boxes in Bochum, Germany
We found 10 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Bochum, Germany.
45276 Essencrossfit-pottbox.com+49 201 85090480
Very good, effective training with friendly coaches
Nice owner and coach
Nice, open and well-pushing community
Competent trainers who ensure correct technique
Training groups are not too big
45219 Essen-Kettwigwww.crossfit-kader.de+49 170 7067589
Group dynamics and welcoming atmosphere
Highly professional trainers
Varied training sessions
Integration into the CrossFit community
Great location, training, trainers, and equipment

58258 Gevelsbergcrossfitmitschmackes.de+49 1577 4626308
Guarantee for physical fitness and nutrition
Excellent leadership and discipline
Unique atmosphere
Trainers understand physical disadvantages
Members support and encourage each other

44628 Hernewww.crossfitherne.com+49 2323 9566499
Great community
Amazing coaches
Welcoming atmosphere
Personalized attention
Motivational team

44227 Dortmundwww.crossfitdortmund.com+49 176 61659558
Great wod
Great box
Great community
Exercises scaled well
Motivated and nice trainers

45136 Essenwww.crossfit-essen.de+49 1578 1802268
Very good environment and coaches have a very high quality, they help you out with everything you need :)
Björn (owner and coach) is very likeable and convinces with his knowledge and his way of communicating. The box is familiar, warm and there is everything you need :) 1A recommendation! 🏋️
Perfect! The trainers are motivated and professional, the group is great, you get integrated quickly.
Plus it comes at a very good price!

44795 Bochumwww.blackbandcrossfit.com+49 234 93539989
Professional coaches
High-quality equipment
Several training rooms
Motivating environment
Great atmosphere
46282 Dorstenwww.crossfit37.de+49 1520 3206356
Professional CrossFit affiliate
Highly motivated and energetic team
Great community
Competent and open-minded trainers
Individualized training for all levels of performance

45968 Gladbeckwww.crossfit-gladbeck.com+49 163 2011523
Cool box with cool people
Competent team of trainers
Friendly and open atmosphere
Limited group size with enough help from coaches
Well looked after community

45661 Recklinghausenwww.crossfitrecklinghausen.de+49 173 5192128
Great personal attention
Experienced coaches
Warm community
Individualized training
Supportive atmosphere