3 Best CrossFit Boxes in Novo Hamburgo, Brazil
We found 3 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Novo Hamburgo, Brazil.
4.9(45 reviews)
93610050 Estancia Velhawww.crossfitestanciavelha.com
Why CrossFit Estancia Velha?
Always with the solution we need!
Excellent reception I was very well treated 👊💪👍
People participated in Crossfit, it was a lot of people excited, very healthy and happy to be part of it and to be there.
4.8(142 reviews)
93265350 Esteiowww.facebook.com/crossfitesteio+55 51 99575-0565
Why CrossFit Esteio?
Competent and helpful professionals
Great place to improve quality of life
Clean and spacious bathrooms
Excellent qualified professionals
Only affiliated box in the region

4.8(140 reviews)
93336-150 Novo Hamburgowww.crossfitnovohamburgo.com.br+55 51 99759-9289
Why CrossFit Novo Hamburgo?
Variety of packages
Attentive professionals
Lively coaches
Varied workouts
Flexible training schedule
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