9 Best CrossFit Boxes in Canoas, Brazil
We found 9 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Canoas, Brazil.
92025840 Canoaswww.grawcrossfit.com.br+55 51 99957-4048
Top training
Sensational team of teachers
Motivated class
Family atmosphere
Super nice place

2. Elo CrossFit
90160006 Porto Alegrecrossfitelo.com.br+55 51 99522-0512
Top top top !!
Gym for those who want to modify their morphology, Elo Crossfit is the right choice..
Great spot! Dedicated team willing to deliver the most welcoming and attentive service possible to students, regardless of each one's goals. The workouts are thought out in a diverse way and never leave anything to be desired, intense in the right measure. Relaxed environment that seeks to build bonds beyond physical activity.
Space aimed at those who lead a busy life but want to add more health to their daily lives. Sensational service.
Here I found more than teachers and coaches, I found friends. A place where diversity makes anyone feel comfortable to train. Training with a lot of technique and focused on the health of the practitioner. Super flexible hours. Coaches prepared with solid knowledge and Box certified by Crossfit (this is very important when choosing a place to place our trust) Exercises adapted for all levels. Highly recommend to everyone!!!
92200350 Canoas+55 51 3785-4441
Experienced teachers who are attentive to the student's needs
Intense training and adapted according to the objective
Space and cozy atmosphere
Excellent classes and teaching method
Sensational place with beautiful and cheerful people

91530001 Porto Alegrewww.gingecrossfit.com+55 51 99970-1157
Licensed Crossfit box
Qualified instructors
High quality training sessions
Great environment
Excellent teachers

90880001 Porto Alegre+55 51 99291-4760
Top space and good equipment
Attentive trainers
Best value for money
Qualified and interested coaches
Receptive staff

93265350 Esteiowww.facebook.com/crossfitesteio+55 51 99575-0565
Competent and helpful professionals
Great place to improve quality of life
Clean and spacious bathrooms
Excellent qualified professionals
Only affiliated box in the region

7. CrossFit ICD
91350250 Porto Alegrewww.icdrs.org.br/crossfiticd+55 51 3279-1298
Top top top
Teachers and attendants note 10.
92020-030 Canoassuperforce.com.br+55 51 3060-0444
Good space, high-quality professionals who are also attentive to the individual needs of the student
Good training atmosphere
Good schedules too

91360-000 Porto Alegresuperforce.com.br+55 51 99955-0756
Great structure
Wonderful and attentive instructors
Top location
Super affordable
Good place with basic equipment