5 Best CrossFit Boxes in Turnhout, Belgium
We found 5 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Turnhout, Belgium.
2340 Beersecrossfitbrug6.be+32 14 25 59 95
Super pleased with the reception
Excited about sport
Run and bike XXL was super
Nice place
2240 Zandhovencrossfitzandhoven.com+32 476 47 30 86
Good customers service
Getting to know and encounter yourself inside and out (sometimes literally 😊) during one of the Glenn sessions... oddly enough very pleasant. Nice club, nice people, nice "lessons" (or do I really have to use one of those difficult abbreviations?) 🙌👊
Very nice crossfit box! Everything neatly arranged. Nice material. Really invites you to train and to suffer. Super professional trainers with a lot of experience and smooth chat. Nice atmosphere and ambiance.
5541NX Reuselkrl1.nl+31 497 337 518
Beautiful space
Friendly staff
Good guidance
Perfect gym
For everyone
2300 Turnhoutwww.blackoak.be+32 14 39 18 03
Great crossfit box
Huge parking lot
Very clean
Welcoming crossfit community
Amazing people
2390 Mallewww.crossfitmalle.com+32 479 28 02 00
Great coaches
Very friendly group of people
Good coaching on all aspects of Crossfit
Good atmosphere
Cool box with good coaches