10 Best CrossFit Boxes in Ranst, Belgium
We found 10 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Ranst, Belgium.
2340 Beersecrossfitbrug6.be+32 14 25 59 95
Super pleased with the reception
Excited about sport
Run and bike XXL was super
Nice place
2235 Westmeerbeekwww.crossfit-ambrosius.be+32 499 89 87 74
Great coaches
Professional guidance
Variety of workouts
Attention to correct technique
Accessible for all levels
2240 Zandhovencrossfitzandhoven.com+32 476 47 30 86
Good customers service
Getting to know and encounter yourself inside and out (sometimes literally 😊) during one of the Glenn sessions... oddly enough very pleasant. Nice club, nice people, nice "lessons" (or do I really have to use one of those difficult abbreviations?) 🙌👊
Very nice crossfit box! Everything neatly arranged. Nice material. Really invites you to train and to suffer. Super professional trainers with a lot of experience and smooth chat. Nice atmosphere and ambiance.
2650 Edegemfitopia.be/crossfit+32 3 454 55 66
Great equipment
Knowledgeable coaches
Friendly atmosphere
2018 Antwerpenwww.crossfitantwerpen.be+32 476 78 82 65
Great crossfit box
Experienced coaches
Well maintained equipment
Great community
Welcoming for beginners
2060 Antwerpcrossfitmoves.be+32 485 57 21 33
Team spirit
Great coaching
Fun events
Well educated trainers
Individual guidance

2800 Mechelencrossfitmechelen.be/crossfit+32 496 10 10 19
Friendly and attentive coach
Nice facilities
Fun workout
Excellent coaches
Good infrastructure

2520 Ranstwww.crossfitimparo.com
Friendly and welcoming atmosphere
Good coaching staff
Convenient booking system
Personalized feedback and adaptation of exercises
Professional yet personal approach
2500 Lierwww.crossfitlier.be+32 476 91 11 11
The coaches are highly skilled
Plenty of equipment available
Super welcoming to newcomers
Coaches and athletes ready to help and motivate
Professional coaches who challenge you

10. CrossFit Malle
2390 Mallewww.crossfitmalle.com+32 479 28 02 00
Great coaches
Very friendly group of people
Good coaching on all aspects of Crossfit
Good atmosphere
Cool box with good coaches