6 Best CrossFit Boxes in Wallasey, United Kingdom
We found 6 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Wallasey, United Kingdom.
CH417ED Wallaseywww.crossfitsempiternal.com+44 151 374 2745
Hidden Gem in Birkenhead North.
Coaches are awesome and approachable.
Programming is excellent.
Fun and welcoming gym.
Great team environment.
CH6 5YL Flintwww.crossfitalphawolf.co.uk+44 7542 671498
Coaches are all fantastic
Effective and attentive coaching
True community with a sense of family
Workouts are scalable for all levels
Variety of classes and programming
CH41 9HH Birkenhead Wirralcrossfitwirral.co.uk+44 7751 549483
True CrossFit standard
Super friendly staff
Plenty of equipment
Flexible membership options
Fun group classes

L9 7BP Liverpoolwww.crossfitrivermersey.com+44 7758 525985
Brilliant coaching
Friendly and welcoming atmosphere
Great programming
Feel at home instantly
Free first session
L9 7BN Aintreewww.crossfitksh.com+44 7883 877248
Welcoming atmosphere
Great coaches
Friendly community
Vast amount of equipment
Good range of classes
WA8 8TN Widneswww.crossfitfaction.co.uk+44 7889 661059
Friendly and welcoming atmosphere
Good for all levels of fitness and age
Open class times
Encouraging and knowledgeable owner
Effective and challenging workouts