3 Best CrossFit Boxes in Kidderminster, United Kingdom
We found 3 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Kidderminster, United Kingdom.
WR9 ONR Droitwichwww.unity-fitness.co.uk/crossfit-better-together-droitwich+44 7411 953295
Tailored workouts to suit your ability and needs
Encouraging and friendly groups
Individual input from trainers throughout the session
Outstanding coaching
Supportive community
Small classes allow for personalized attention
Great facility and coaching
Motivating and inclusive atmosphere

DY4 7BS Tiptoncrossfitrudis.com+44 7873 593227
Coaches are very supportive and encouraging
Members are friendly
Classes are designed for all levels
Community spirit is second to none
Helpful and knowledgeable coaches

DY11 7FX Kidderminsterwww.crossfitwyreforest.com+44 7866 634898
Welcoming team and members
Wide variety of classes
Supportive coaches
Quality equipment
Accommodating workouts