2 Best CrossFit Boxes in Bailleul, France
We found 2 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Bailleul, France.
1. P.U CrossFit
5(84 reviews)
59840 Pérenchieswww.crossfitplusultra.com/contact
Why P.U CrossFit?
Warm and friendly atmosphere
Encouragement and support from team and participants
Quality coaching with empathy and humor
Coaches help progress without getting hurt
Friendly and benevolent environment that promotes progress and self-improvement
Accessible to all levels
Coaches are attentive and competent
WODs adapted and accessible for everyone
Coaches have CrossFit certifications and specializations
Guarantee of quality and knowledge

4.8(105 reviews)
59270 Bailleulonetcrossfitbailleul.com+33 6 50 34 43 30
Why CrossFit Bailleul?
A very nice sports corner
Coached by friendly and professional staff
Large free access space
Awesome team

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