6 Best CrossFit Boxes in Oviedo, Spain
We found 6 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Oviedo, Spain.
1. STL CrossFit
33211 Gijonstalliontraining.es/stl-crossfit+34 674 37 64 47
Top-level facilities
Close and pleasant team's treatment
Plenty of and varied material for all users
Very clean box and spectacular bathrooms
Great atmosphere
33392 Gijónwww.tilenuscrossfit.com+34 984 83 48 57
Great place
Very good equipment
Nice WODs
Friendly staff
Long hours
33600 Miereswww.crossfitmieres.es+34 656 40 93 66
Very good trainers
Very good atmosphere
Good material
Nice box with all the necessary equipment
A pleasure to drop there every year
33211 Gijóncrossfitlagalerna.es+34 617 93 80 50
Comfortable and pleasant environment
Trainers explain exercises well and adapt them to your level
Great professionalism and sympathy from the trainers
Trainers modify exercises and provide guidance
Results come very fast
5. OVD CrossFit
Good atmosphere and good trainers
Cozy place and suitable for training
Great professional at the head
Good vibes from the people
Challenging training sessions

33012 Oviedocrossfitnaranco.es+34 684 66 42 86
Great environment for training
Competent trainers
Good price for monthly payment
Exceptional treatment by Miguel
Facilities are well-maintained
Passionate and committed team
Classes and seminars offered for various levels and interests