7 Best CrossFit Boxes in Amorebieta, Spain
We found 7 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Amorebieta, Spain.
48170 Zamudiocrossfitlastline.com+34 659 15 82 65
Perfect gym to start CrossFit
Very nice people
Top teacher
Demanding sport
Complete sport
Great environment
Schedule flexibility
Coach of 10
Colleagues that make everything easier
48960 Galdacanodarkphoenix.wodbuster.com+34 695 71 73 41
Prepared and professional people
Cordial treatment
First class facilities
Clean and spacious
Great team in charge
Impeccable attention to you
Top quality material
Charming and helpful coaches
Variety of classes offered
Familiar atmosphere
Anti-covid security measures
Motivating classes
Good atmosphere among colleagues
Incredible teachers
Well-equipped facilities
48300 Gernikawww.crossfitgernika.com+34 611 68 93 37
Beautiful CrossFit gym with a friendly team
The facility was very clean
The equipment was in great condition
Short but intense exercises
Super professional paying attention to the movements

48970 Basauriwww.crossfitbasauri.com+34 944 40 81 12
Welcoming place and people
Appropriate equipment
Good professionals
Great atmosphere
Spectacular treatment
Punctual classes
Attentive instructors
Clear explanations for newbies
48014 Bilbaowww.crossfitdeusto.com+34 674 25 06 76
Great professionals who make you feel comfortable and motivated
Feeling of unity among trainers and companions
Adapts training for individual needs
New and high-end facilities and equipment
Coach masters every aspect of the session

48340 Amorebietabulacrossfit.com+34 638 73 95 79
Trainer communicates in English and Spanish
Good professionals attentive to each athlete's level
Facilities with plenty of space and natural light
Top quality material and new equipment
Private parking at the door
48012 Bilbaowww.crossfitbilbao.com+34 944 27 50 94
Best Crossfit in Bilbao
Big Gym and rooftop workout area
Great Trainers
Perfect Equipment
Attentive and knowledgeable trainers
Strict methodology for effective results
Improved fitness and energy levels
Positive and motivating atmosphere
Expanded facilities with more training space and equipment
Access to a conventional gym with the best machines