3 Best CrossFit Boxes in Hillerød, Denmark
We found 3 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Hillerød, Denmark.
4.9(9 reviews)
Why CrossFit the Royal Guards?
The center offers everything a crossfitter's heart desires, and then some.
Skilled trainer, good equipment and great community.
Good people and instruction
Effective training
Cool center

2. CrossFit ET
4.8(18 reviews)
3060 Espergaerdewww.elementstraining.dk
Why CrossFit ET?
Super nice local gym
Great equipment
Awesome atmosphere
Extremely cool energy
Nice members
4.7(26 reviews)
3400 Hillerødwww.crossfithillerod.dk+45 48 26 80 13
Why CrossFit Hillerod?
Good place to train
Great atmosphere
Killer coaches
Lovely reception from everyone

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