6 Best CrossFit Boxes in Solingen, Germany
We found 6 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Solingen, Germany.
42719 Solingenwww.crossfit-solingen.de+49 173 4447434
Truly amazing CrossFit gym
Great sessions that are strong, well balanced, and fun
Accepts all levels, including beginners
Incredibly welcoming and positive environment
Classes are fun and challenging
58258 Gevelsbergcrossfitmitschmackes.de+49 1577 4626308
Guarantee for physical fitness and nutrition
Excellent leadership and discipline
Unique atmosphere
Trainers understand physical disadvantages
Members support and encourage each other

42349 Wuppertalcrossfitwuppertal.de/crossfit+49 173 4274705
Best place for CrossFit
Effective training
Competent trainers
Lots of great people

40764 Langenfeld / Rhld.breakout-crossfit.de+49 176 40741957
Coordinated training in a stable, wonderful community
Best equipment and support you can imagine
Personal increase in performance exceeds expectations
Great early bird community that integrates you well and willingly
Varied workouts and motivated trainers who get the best out of you
40227 Düsseldorfwww.crossfit-am-rhein.de+49 211 98960044
High quality equipment for powerlifting and weightlifting
Clean and organized gym
Knowledgeable and helpful staff
Variety of equipment available
Professional personal trainers
40591 Duesseldorfwww.crossfitduesseldorf.com+49 177 2133771
Great coaches
Top atmosphere
Variety of training programs
Experienced trainers