12 Best CrossFit Boxes in Seligenstadt, Germany
We found 12 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Seligenstadt, Germany.
60599 Frankfurt am Mainwww.crossfitbullsandbears.de+49 69 247531441
Best CrossFit in town
Amazing location
Good equipment
Very good coaches
Coaches explain in English if needed
Box is clean and well laid-out
Parking available in front of the Box
Passionate and knowledgeable coaches
Easy drop-in process
Reasonable pricing
Enjoyable programming
Friendly and welcoming atmosphere
Emphasizes members' health and wellbeing
Participates in local competitions
Opportunities for friendly competition
Friendly and helpful staff
Easy and fun drop-in process
Clean box with well-maintained equipment
Coaches actively coach and assist members
2. CrossFit 63
63500 Seligenstadtcrossfit-seligenstadt.de+49 1578 2842588
Super helpful and accommodating staff
Great setup with all necessary equipment
Nice atmosphere and cozy beautiful box
Competent and friendly trainers
Community-oriented and family atmosphere

63067 Offenbachwww.crossfitcircusmaximus.de+49 162 4168275
Awesome atmosphere
Great coaches
Friendly and welcoming
Knowledgeable and professional coaches
Pushes you to find new limits
Part of a supportive community
Improved health condition

4. CrossFit 069
60314 Frankfurt am Maincrossfit069.de+49 1590 1255174
Uncomplicated communication
Professional and individual coaching
Well-equipped facilities
Plenty of room for everyone
Clean showers and restrooms
Fantastic trainers
Superb community
Fantastic opening hours
Cleanest box or gym ever
Best coaches
Excellent programming
Great atmosphere and spirit
Clear structured schedule
Diversified classes
Outstanding heartiness
Welcoming and integrated environment
No waitlists for classes
No cancellation of classes despite low turnout
Thoughtful programming
Friendly staff
Well-prepared coaches
Convenient location with plenty of parking

63165 Muehlheim am Mainwww.crossfit-muehlheim-main.de
Excellent coaches
Motivating trainers
Challenging and rewarding workouts
Supportive and friendly community
Variety of courses to keep it interesting
Spacious halls and outdoor training area
Family atmosphere
Competent trainers
Classes specifically for kids

63150 Heusenstammwww.cfcenterpieceheusenstamm.com
Perfect place to practice CrossFit
Super friendly staff and members
Very good instructor
Different options for enrollment
Superb setup, equipment, and trainers

63762 Grossostheimcrossfit-airfield.de+49 1514 2501120
Very nicely decorated box! High-quality equipment and everything you need for a good workout. Would come back anytime.
Super professional and well-equipped Crossfit box, competent and friendly staff, very nice facility with indoor and outdoor area, suitable for all levels of experience
Beautiful box with very warm owners.
Only the best equipment was bought here, with great attention to detail.
63814 Mainaschaffwww.crossfit-aschaffenburg.de+49 172 1556024
Beautiful modern and super equipped gym
Professional, attentive and nice coaches
Great Box with fantastic Coaches
Amazing community
High quality equipment and high skilled coaches
63110 Rodgauwww.crossfit-rodgau.de+49 1516 4507206
Amazing trainers
Nice atmosphere
High level training
Top trainer
Top equipment
Top community
Good atmosphere
Scalable classes for all fitness levels
Friendly team of trainers
Good technique and alternative exercises
Training for all ages and fitness levels
Yoga and mobility classes available
63263. Neu Isenburgjabav.de+49 6102 3719560
Super responsive and friendly owner
Small class sizes with high level of coaching
Clean and organized equipment
WOD well planned
Welcoming and accommodating to non-German speakers

11. CrossFit Lex
60314 Frankfurtwww.crossfitlex.de+49 163 4671356
Trainer is always available
Small groups and friendly atmosphere
Box has all the equipment needed
Workouts with limited number of participants
Coaches pay attention and help improve skills
Community is welcoming and encouraging
Great workout and supportive team
Feels like a big CrossFit family
Opportunity to train independently
Good vibe and opportunity to make friends
Challenging workouts that are rewarding
Coaches scale workouts to individual abilities

12. CrossFit Maki
61118 Bad Vilbelcrossfitmaki.com+49 179 5017495
Great CrossFit
Great community
Experienced coaches
Optimal improvement
Top equipment