6 Best CrossFit Boxes in Moers, Germany
We found 6 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Moers, Germany.
45473 Mülheim an der Ruhrwww.glueckauf-crossfit.de+49 163 4191163
Really nice location and great training atmosphere
Great coaches who provide personalized coaching
Friendly and welcoming community
Clean and up-to-date equipment
Good introduction coaching
47803 Krefeldrufusclub.de/was-ist-crossfit+49 1573 4673667
Bestes Functional Training in Krefed!
Very good club! Varied courses! Competent trainers!
Family but professional hall for sports. Cool atmosphere and relaxed clientele.
Super CrossFit Box with great staff and a nice community
Each fitness level is individually addressed.
47803 Krefeldwww.crossfit-crefeld.de+49 162 4752738
Incredibly good coaches
Fun and super friendly people
Great atmosphere
Top equipment and trainers
Competent trainers

47445 Moerswww.crossfit-moers.de+49 177 9768995
Excellent place to workout with nice people
Great trainers
Very beginner friendly
Beautiful, well-kept box
Competent trainers

47057 Duisburgcrossfitduisburg.com+49 173 2116784
Friendly staff and atmosphere
Challenging workouts
Good trainers
Variety of sports for different age groups
Functional training with emphasis on pelvic floor work for postnatal moms
46539 Dinslakenwww.crossfit-hiesfeld.de+49 2064 829310
Great service
Proactive trainers
Friendly members
Well-equipped box
Top trained trainers