6 Best CrossFit Boxes in Ettlingen, Germany
We found 6 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Ettlingen, Germany.
75217 Birkenfeldcrossfithelden.training+49 163 2026499
Friendly and safe atmosphere
Nice coach
Clean and tidy gym
Spacious with a lot of equipment
Experienced and motivating coaches

76137 Karlsruhecrossfitkarlsruhe.de+49 1512 8895600
Easy & straight forward way to drop in
Clean and well equipped box
Excellent atmosphere pushing athletes to their limits
Great coaching and competent coaches
Great environment and friendly people

76185 Karlsruhewww.crossfit-faecherstadt.com
Great coaches
Great exercise
Welcoming atmosphere
Friendly and professional trainer
Variety in training

76275 Ettlingenbuffalobox.de+49 1577 4470007
Welcoming and friendly atmosphere
Great facilities with top-notch equipment
Well-trained and passionate coaches
Strong sense of community
Encouraging and supportive environment
75180 Pforzheimwww.chlkd.de+49 160 3098753
Friendly and welcoming staff
High-quality Rogue equipment
Extremely clean premises
Great coaches with expertise
Fair prices

76327 Pfinztalpureperformancecrossfit.de+49 176 64017155
Really great training
Great coaches
Great people
Effective training