3 Best CrossFit Boxes in Calw, Germany
We found 3 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Calw, Germany.
5(96 reviews)
75217 Birkenfeldcrossfithelden.training+49 163 2026499
Why CrossFit Helden?
Friendly and safe atmosphere
Nice coach
Clean and tidy gym
Spacious with a lot of equipment
Experienced and motivating coaches

4.9(73 reviews)
75365 Calwfine-fitness.de/crossfit+49 176 11122015
Why CrossFit Calw?
Very good and professional place for training
Welcoming and family atmosphere
Training sessions explained in detail
Great trainer and great studio
Various defense topics covered

4.8(23 reviews)
75180 Pforzheimwww.chlkd.de+49 160 3098753
Why CrossFit Pforzheim?
Friendly and welcoming staff
High-quality Rogue equipment
Extremely clean premises
Great coaches with expertise
Fair prices

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