6 Best CrossFit Boxes in Altlußheim, Germany
We found 6 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Altlußheim, Germany.
68219 Mannheimcrossfitsquared.com+49 174 7942502
Extremely experienced trainers
Nice vibes
Awesome training
Nice community
Top Box

67065 Ludwigshafencrossfitludwigshafen.com+49 160 98466442
Best box in town!
CLF wood arena 2017
Super 👊👏👏👏
A box with a lot of heart, a great community and great coaches!
Huge box and cool WODs.

69123 Heidelbergcrossfit-schmelztiegel.com+49 176 72580834
Coaches focus on warm-up, skills training, and watchful coaching
Caring environment that allows for pushing the body hard, but safely
Community of people that enjoy each other's company
Highly skilled coaches with attention to detail
Best equipment with awesome coaches

67346 Speyerwww.crossfitspeyer.com+49 174 2410076
TipTop Coaches!
A great way to get fit.
Good people.
Very good.

69126 Heidelbergwww.crossfit-heidelberg.de+49 1573 5992289
Great people and coaches
Very friendly and welcoming
Good philosophy on fitness
Personalized plan for fitness goals
Supportive environment