6 Best CrossFit Boxes in Olten, Switzerland
We found 6 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Olten, Switzerland.
5727 Oberkulmwww.zündbox.ch+41 76 443 90 16
Great box
Coaches are demanding
Coaches are patient
Coaches are very motivating
Top trainers

4600 Oltenwww.crossfit-olten.com
Coaches are proficient and continuously improving
Coaches speak multiple languages
Athletes are welcoming and friendly
Nice facility
4900 Langenthalwww.crossfitfortyninezero.ch
Very nice crossfit gym
Trainers are the best
Training one on one in training season
Speaks good English for non-German speaking people
Enjoyable training atmosphere
Small but well-appointed box
Family culture
Possible with English
Motivating coaches with joy and knowledge
Super motivating atmosphere
4415 Lausenwww.crossfit-timeout.ch
Great crossfit box
Introductory course was very insightful
Great attention paid to execution during exercises
Trainer gives good tips on posture
Always take your time and always help

6212 St.Erhardwww.crossfitpilatus.ch
Very large Crossfit box, well equipped
Great modern ambiance and everything is very clean
Professional coaching from the owner
Suitable for CrossFit beginners
Easy parking available

4450 Sissachcrossfit-sissach.com
Great people
Great place
Nice team
Detailed explanations
Controlled workouts
Friendly coaches
Competent coaches
Big family community
Comfortable environment
Motivating coaches
Awesome workouts
Individualized training