9 Best CrossFit Boxes in Einsiedeln, Switzerland
We found 9 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Einsiedeln, Switzerland.
8800 Thalwilcrossfitthalwil.com+41 43 305 73 76
Amazing and family friendly gym
Challenging and changing workouts
On-site kids room for parents
Great trainers and members
Professional coaching
8810 Horgenwww.crossfithorgen.ch+41 79 788 22 84
24/7 open
Free parking at Lidl at off-hours
Nice box with good equipment
Great coaches
Cool members

8853 Lachenwww.sportzcenter.ch/index.php/crossfit+41 55 442 04 07
Really nice, small gym
Very friendly staff
Flexible schedule
Great team and people
Fun and motivating group fitness

8645 Jonawww.crossfitkauil.ch+41 76 602 86 45
Professional, skilled, highly competent and motivating team
Love it
The team is constantly investing in new equipment and adjustments
A lot of value is placed on the community
Unique and best place for crossfit in Rapperswil-Jona

6340 Baarwww.crossfitbaar.ch+41 79 326 00 28
Friendly and respectful staff
Convenient open gym hours
Clean facility
Great team
Expert coaches

8634 Hombrechtikoncrossfitsecondhome.ch+41 77 428 34 23
Great place for anyone, regardless of age or fitness level
Excellent coaches
Motivational and supportive atmosphere
Variety of coaches
Extremely knowledgeable

8608 Bubikoncrossfit8608.com+41 79 844 30 28
The best all-round box
Various classes to work on your strengths and weaknesses
Nutrition planning with goals in mind
Great equipment
8840 Einsiedelncfiteinsiedeln.ch+41 79 504 65 64
The box is still relatively new, well equipped, equipment is great
The coach was friendly and made the class solid
Training in the box is just fun, the coaches are super competent and you are always motivated to reach your limits
The coaches are extremely competent, open, committed and respond excellently to individual needs and requirements
Great location, great training environment
8807 Freienbachwww.crossfit-freienbach.ch+41 55 212 70 70
Fairly big Cross Fit box with typical program
Good trainers who help with scaling exercises
Supportive of new comers and starters
Specific time slot classes recommended for newbies
Accommodating with injuries
Instructions in Swiss German with help in high German and English
Main WOD/strength sections on big screens in English
Members make an effort to welcome you
Extremely professionally managed box with experienced coaches
Very well-equipped box
Always tidy and clean