7 Best CrossFit Boxes in Curitiba, Brazil
We found 7 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Curitiba, Brazil.
80.730-030 Curitiba+55 41 98879-2416
Instructors with a lot of knowledge and concern for the technique and development of each student
Excellent structure
Great coaches
Wonderful training
Best box in Curitiba

80510-192 SĂŁo Francisco Curitibawww.armelcrossfit.com.br+55 41 3092-6332
Spectacular space
Incredible team
Great coach structure
Excellent reception
Qualified professionals

80610-290 Curitibaarbocrossfit.com.br+55 41 3086-0100
Variety of materials
Good location
Friendly reception
Attentive teachers
Excellent condition of materials

80220 050 Curitibacrossfithardbreak.com+55 41 99208-4321
Box very well equipped and excellent location in the center of Curitiba
Team of highly qualified coaches
Quality service and great value for money
Options for crossfit classes, functional training (bootcamp), pilates and others
Very welcoming community of students

82510-050 Curitibawww.crossfitguepardo.com+55 41 3014-6283
The structure of the place is excellent
Quality equipment
Attentive coaches
Spacious and welcoming environment
Affiliated with CrossFit in the USA

80740-000 Curitibawww.instagram.com/ferozcrossfit+55 41 3022-7118
Best place for crossfit workouts!! Super attentive service and teachers!
Extremely professional coach, encourages students. It has an excellent physiotherapist on the team who uses the Dry Needle technique, among others!
Great structure and awesome team. Looking forward to starting training! 👊🏻
Amazing CrossFit Gym! A very pleasant environment and very well prepared coach.
Ah second home... training, friends, coffee!!! And certainly the best professionals!

82.305-100 Curitibawww.instagram.com/crossfithighpulse/?hl=pt
The best "box" in Curitiba