7 Best CrossFit Boxes in Manchester, United States
We found 7 CrossFit gyms and boxes in Manchester, United States.
03053 Londonderryrockinghamcrossfit.com+1 603-203-3917
Awesome beautiful facility and lots of space
Super friendly and warm welcome from the staff and literally every single person
Very clean, organized, and put together facility
Impressed with the coaches, their expertise, and their helpfulness
Great sense of community and peer support

03055 Milfordwww.crossfitsouhegan.com+1 603-691-2142
Knowledgeable and approachable coaches
Tailored workouts for all fitness levels
Supportive and inspiring community
Truly exceptional fitness experience
Helps with personal progress and transformation

03054 Merrimackcrossfitearned.com+1 603-262-5959
Provides a great workout
Great atmosphere to be yourself
Outgoing and supportive staff
Individual attention and modification of workouts
Uplifting and motivational community

03103 Manchesterwww.crossfitnewhampshire.com+1 603-782-8230
Knowledgeable and experienced owner and trainers
Clean and spacious gym
Well-maintained equipment
Diverse and welcoming community
Helpful and adaptive coaches

03103 Manchesterwww.mentaledgenh.com
No need for Randy to open jars anymore
Matt knows his stuff and tailors workouts
Premium and clean equipment
Top of class training
Great atmosphere

03110 Bedfordcrossfitamoskeag.com+1 978-219-4647
Fantastic place!
Welcoming and friendly community
Top-notch facility
Variety of coaches
Well-equipped gym

03038 Derrywww.breathecrossfit.com+1 978-270-7987
Fantastic place
Great trainers and knowledgeable
Supportive and friendly community
Demanding workouts with great results
Engaging coaches and strong programming